Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Negative Side Effects Of Lithium

Lithium, which is known under several other names such as Lithobid or Eskalith, is a medication that is prescribed to help treat bipolar disorder. People who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder may be depressed and then cycle into a stage known as mania. The length of time that these episodes last for is not known and depends on the person as well as the degree of their condition.

Physical Side Effects

People who take lithium may experience dry mouth, tremors, shakes or muscle twitching.

Effects on Sleep

Lithium can increase a person's need for sleep.

Effects on Vision

Blurred vision is a reported side effect of taking lithium.

Effects on Hair

Thinning hair and hair loss have been reported as a side effect of taking this medication.

Other Side Effects

Lithium can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and weight loss.


Taking lithium over an extended period of time can cause lithium toxicity. Your health care provider will monitor the lithium levels over time by running lab tests. Lithium toxicity can cause an exacerbation of the side effects of lithium, but it is not a life-threatening condition.

Tags: Side Effects, bipolar disorder, effect taking, reported side, reported side effect, side effect