Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Make Scented Coasters With Flax Seeds

Scented coasters add a level of ambiance to warm beverages. As the heat from the cup heats the herbs or oils used to create the scent, the aroma of the coaster is amplified. The desired goal is to improve the experience of a person's beverage and to freshen the air in a room. Flax seed coasters help to retain heat and produce the desired effects over a longer period of time while protecting a surface from a hot mug or cup.



1. Pin two fabric squares together, with right sides facing each other. Pin three sides of the fabric along the edges of the fabric.

2. Stitch around the pinned edges of the fabric using a zigzag stitch on a sewing machine along the edge of the fabric. Stitch a line of straight stitches along the inside edge of the zigzag stitching.

3. Turn the fabric squares right-side-out and iron flat.

4. Mix together the flax seeds and aromatic herbs or chips.

5. Repeat steps one through four for all of the coasters.

Assembling the Coasters

6. Place enough of the flax seed and herb mixture in each pouch to fill approximately one-third of the coaster.

7. Fold the raw edges of fabric along the open edge of each coaster to the inside and stitch across the opening with a straight stitch using either a sewing machine or needle and thread.

8. Lay the coaster flat and spread out the flax and herb mixture inside the coaster.

9. Use a needle and thread to hand stitch an "X" across the center of the coaster that reaches each corner to create four separate compartments. This will keep the seeds and herbs from shifting, so mugs and glasses will stay level on top of the coasters.

Tags: edges fabric, fabric along, fabric squares, fabric Stitch, herb mixture