Friday, April 22, 2011

Swelling After Breast Augmentation

Swelling after breast augmentation is the body's natural reaction to a foreign substance being introduced. Some implant patients may be alarmed at the amount of swelling after surgery, but knowing the usual time frame for healing can calm their fears.

Time Frame

After breast-implant surgery, swelling is common and can last from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the implant placement and variations in individual healing time.


When implants are placed above the muscle, swelling usually lasts from four days to two weeks. For implants placed below the muscle, recovery takes longer, so swelling lasts from 2 to 12 weeks.

Preventing Swelling

To lesson the swelling, patients can sleep in a reclining position on their backs so pressure will not be on the chest.

Reducing Swelling

Compression bandages help support the breast implants and reduce swelling. Doctors recommend icing or cold compresses to reduce swelling as well.


If breast-augmentation patients experience extreme pain, blackening of the skin, excessive bleeding or swelling that gets worse, they should contact their physicians immediately.

Tags: days weeks, implants placed, lasts from, reduce swelling