Friday, February 11, 2011

Causes For A Lack Of Facial Hair

Male facial hair begins to develop from about the age of 11, and continues to develop until the early 20s. Early growth facial hair may be patchy and uneven, localizing in certain areas and not others. Men over the age of 20 who have excessively thin facial hair could have a hormonal condition, skin condition or circulation problems. Here are some of the causes of a lack of facial hair, and a few ways to increase the growth of facial hair:

Low Testosterone

Men who have low testosterone levels will have low facial hair growth and might need hormonal supplements. Check with your doctor to see if a testosterone test might be in order.

Skin Problems

Psoriasis or eczema can cause uneven facial hair growth and can hinder facial hair from growing until after the skin has been treated. If you have had severe psoriasis, there could be a permanent hair loss. Psoriasis and eczema can be treated with creams and topical solutions you can get at your dermatologist.


Alopecia, which is a form of hair loss that typically effects the head, can progress to include the face. This can cause patches of hair loss or complete hair loss on the face. There are types of steroid creams that help with alopecia, so check with your doctor or dermatologist.

Massage as Treatment

Give yourself a daily massage to increase circulation to the area where facial hair is thin. Increasing circulation can activate the hair growth by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the follicles.

Rogaine as Treatment

Rogaine has been used successfully by some people on their facial hair (see Resources). Check with your doctor first.

Tags: facial hair, hair loss, hair growth, with your, with your doctor, your doctor, Check with