Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Crystal Cleansing

Crystal cleansing is the act of getting rid of energies that have attached themselves to the stones. It's recommended that crystals be kept in a special container to preserve their properties.

When to Cleanse

Cleaning should be done when you buy a stone since other people handled it before you did. It's also needed after you wear the crystal or use it for healing work.


Burying the crystal in soil, letting it sit under running tap water for a few minutes or setting a crystal in flower petals for 24 hours are some ways to cleanse crystals.


It's recommended that crystals be cleansed when you first buy them because it helps strengthen the bond you have with them.


Cleansing helps preserve the healing properties and vibrations that the crystals contain.


Crystals must be properly cleansed when first bought and after they are used; otherwise you won't get the results from them you desire.


Charging is related to cleansing; it's the act of actually replenishing the power in the crystals, such as placing them in the sun for a few hours.

Tags: that crystals, cleansed when, cleansed when first, recommended that, recommended that crystals, when first