Friday, March 12, 2010

Calculate The Week Number Of The Year

You probably know the current date and day of the week off the top of your head. With a moment of thought, you can probably figure out the current week of the month-a very useful skill if you live in an area where there is street sweeping on the second and fourth Monday, for example. You probably don't know the week of the year, however, unless the date is in January or early February. Don't worry-you can easily calculate week number no matter what month it is.


1. Add up the number of days that have already passed this year before the current month. For example, say today is July 10. January has 31 days, February usually has 28 days, March has 31, April has 30, May has 31 and June has 30. This is a total of 181 days.

2. Add in the 10 days that have already passed in July for a final result of 191 days.

3. Divide the number of days so far by seven-the number of days in a week. In this case, we would divide 191 by seven for a result of 27.286.

4. Unless your result is an exact number, such as 27.00, round your result up to the next whole number. In our example, we would round 27.286 up to 28. The reason for this addition is that our result of 27.286 means that 27 full weeks have passed and we are part of the way through the 28th week. Therefore the current week is the 28th week rather than the 27th.

Tags: number days, 28th week, already passed, current week, days that, days that have