Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do A Hot Sock Self Massage

One great massage prop you can use on yourself or on loved one is a rice sock or a hot sock. A hot sock is easy and cheap to make and when used during a massage, releases tense muscles with low heat.


1. Take a sock that doesn't have any holes in it made out of a soft fabric. Make sure your sock has a long leg portion and isn't the type of sock that ends at the ankle.

2. Put rice into the sock. Depending on the size of the sock, you'll need about a cup of rice. Avoid using minute rice or it may cook in the microwave.

3. Sew the sock closed. If you're not handy with a needle, you can also tie the sock off. Make sure the knot is tight and none of the rice can escape.

4. Put the sock into the microwave for a minute or two until it's warm to the touch.

5. Press the hot sock against the muscles in your arms, legs, feet or back to loosen them.

6. Tie the sock against a sore muscle with a ribbon or another piece of fabric if you want to.

Tags: Make sure, sock against, sock sock, sock that