Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Home Remedies For Acne And Oily Skin

A natural skin mask can help prevent acne and oily skin.

Acne and oily skin are common problems that can plague both teenagers and adults. Store-bought remedies are costly and professional spa treatments are a luxury often reserved for special occasions. For a simple, homemade fix to these skin issues, a quick trip to the pantry or fridge is all that's needed. Basic grocery items can be used to make natural and effective home remedies for acne and oily skin.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a popular ingredient in home remedies for acne and oily skin. This sour substance can be used both alone and as an ingredient in masks and face washes. To treat an outbreak of acne, apply a small dab of lemon juice to the infected area before bed. Wash your face as usual in the morning.

For a refreshing face splash that will keep acne and oily skin at bay, combine equal parts of lemon juice and rose water and splash onto the face.

For a simple homemade face mask, combine one egg white with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Spread evenly over the face and let it sit for about half an hour before rinsing off. This will help remove excess oils from the skin and prevent acne.


Cucumber can help to reduce acne inflammation. Regular use of cucumber on the skin may also prevent oily skin and future acne breakouts. Grate or slice fresh cucumber and apply the pieces to the face and neck. Let the cucumber sit for about 20 minutes.

For a thicker face mask, blend a whole cucumber with a cup of dry oatmeal. Combine equal parts of the cucumber oatmeal mix and plain yogurt to make a smooth, spreadable mask. Apply the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse off.


For a sweet solution to a breakout or excessively oily skin, honey may be the answer. Honey can be used alone as a face mask, or in combination with other natural ingredients. Mix three tablespoons each of oatmeal and yogurt with one tablespoon of honey for a face mask.

A few drops of honey can also be added to cucumber or lemon juice face masks.

Or, combine equal parts honey and lime juice for a homemade spot treatment for acne breakouts.

Tags: oily skin, face mask, acne oily, equal parts, lemon juice