Thursday, September 26, 2013

Use Osteopathy To Treat Sleeplessness

Use Osteopathy to Treat Sleeplessness

Sleeping problems account for millions of hours of lost work, along with billions of dollars in medication and doctor bills. Sleeplessness has resulted in people seeking prescription medication, life style changes and relationship modifications. Osteopathy can offer alternative, holistic approaches to treat sleeplessness at a moderate cost-per-visit. Follow these steps to find out how.


Understand Causes of Sleeplessness

1. Choose the proper food groups and the appropriate time for eating. Certain foods can significantly impact our sleeping habits. Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and sugar are the primary causes of insomnia.

2. Change habits and life style patterns. Exercise is important. However, increasing endorphins from exercise close to the hour of planned sleep can affect the depth and quality of sleep. The best time to exercise is in the afternoon. Allow enough time for a full and uninterrupted night of sleep.

3. Evaluate your bedroom's ambience. Change the environment of the room to a more relaxed zone, incorporating new aromas and sounds. Evaluate the temperature, since cooler temperatures lead to better sleep.

4. Determine whether the sleeping area is comfortable. If necessary, change the pillows to those designed for your particular sleep position. Also, evaluate the mattress and padding of the bed. Improper support can affect quality of sleep.

Use Osteopathy Techiques to Treat Insomnia

5. Practice meditation and relaxation techniques. Practitioners of osteopathy often recommend these techniques to focus on peaceful thoughts and concepts. Meditation techniques can be as simple as focusing on a favorite, relaxing activity or location.

6. Use massage to treat stress and anxiety. Osteopathic treatment involves muscle relaxation and conditioning to improve sleep patterns. Invest in an inexpensive to moderately-priced personal massage device, easily found in department stores, to use for self treatment regularly.

Realize the Effects of Sleeplessness

7. Recognize that sleeplessness results in acute and often chronic fatigue.

8. Notice the effect of memory loss that occurs from a sleepless night. Missed hours of work, sick days, limited energy and decreased performance are common in the workplace as a result of a poor night's sleep.

9. Be aware of irritability and mood swings, often reported by those suffering from sleeplessness. This can affect relationships at work and at home.

Tags: life style, night sleep, Osteopathy Treat, Osteopathy Treat Sleeplessness, quality sleep, Treat Sleeplessness