Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Make Herbal Sachets

Herbal sachets provide an easy way to keep your clothes smelling fresh, either in a closet or a drawer. They can even be used to freshen a car or camper. With these easy instructions, you'll soon want them everywhere.


Making the Herbal Mix

1. Decide where the sachet will be put in order to choose the best scent. Cedar is best for a closet, as it also repels flying pests that eat clothes.Mixing and matching scents is as easy as procuring equal amounts of dried leaves or blossoms and gently mixing them together.For each pillow, you will need approximately 3/4 cup of herbal mixture.

2. Place your fabric together, right sides together and stitch along three sides, leaving a 1/2-inch seam. Hand sewing requires very small stitches to keep the herbs in. Use a sewing machine if possible.Sewing several at a time is a great time saver.

3. Turn the bags so that the outside fabric is on the outside and gently place the herbal mix inside. It doesn't need to be full; the idea is for the herbs to have some space to rub on each other to release the scent.

4. Hold the fabric bag with the open top up and set it on a table. Tie twine, string or ribbon firmly around the top so that the herbs cannot come out.
