Friday, September 16, 2011

Shoulder Treatments For Ulnar Neuropathy

Living with the tingling and pain of ulnar neuropathy is uncomfortable. It can also cause unpredictable accidents, because sometimes it affects your ability to hold things. Treatments are available to offer relief. These run the gamut from simple exercises to acupuncture. Sometimes, just wearing splints can help reduce discomfort.

What is Ulnar Neuropathy?

Ulnar neuropathy, also known as handlebar palsy by bicyclists, is the inflammation of the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve is a major nerve that runs down the length of your arm into your hand. It is responsible for movement and sensation.


Ulnar neuropathy symptoms are tingling, numbing, and pain in the hand and arm. It also causes pain in the little finger.


According to the journal Medical Acupuncture, using acupuncture for ulnar neuropathy has been shown to be effective even after the first treatment. Osteopathic manipulations that include myofascial release have also shown promise when used right before the acupuncture treatment and then immediately after.

Exercises such as neck rotations and neck bends can help to strengthen the area. Neck rotations can be done sitting in a chair, holding your body straight. Turn your head very slowly to the right. The reason to go slowly is to move only until you feel the start of pain. Allow your neck to go forward. Relax, now move to the left. Repeat this process 10 times.

For the neck bend, in your chair, try to place your right ear close to your right shoulder. Reverse the process to your left ear and shoulder. Keep your body straight. Repeat this process 10 times.

Another exercise is to shrug your shoulders. Hold that shrug for five seconds. Squeeze your shoulder blades back and forth for five seconds. Pull your shoulder blades as if trying to put them as far down as possible. Hold for five seconds. Try to bring your palm up to your shoulder while bending your elbow as much as you can. Now straighten your elbow. Do this 10 times. Increase your grip strength by squeezing a rubber ball. Hold this for 10 seconds. Do several sets of each exercise.

Preventing Ulnar Neuropathy

In cutting down all activities that use repeating motions of the wrist, you can lower the risk of irritating and inflaming your ulnar nerve. If you are bicycling, get into the habit of changing your hand position at constant intervals. Try not to return to the activity that caused this inflammation until you can do it again without any tingling.

Tags: five seconds, ulnar nerve, your shoulder, body straight, process times, Repeat this