Thursday, October 14, 2010

Foods For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional bowel disease. People with IBS have intestinal overreactions to stimuli, so many foods can trigger symptoms.


There are three types of IBS: diarrhea-dominant, constipation-dominant or alternating bouts of both.

Individuals may have "trigger" foods that vary, but overall there are foods that work well for most people with IBS.

Good Foods

Good carbohydrate-rich foods are breads, pastas, and rice with at least two grams of fiber per serving. Vegetables, including lettuce and green beans, are good choices. Lean meats that are baked or broiled are generally well tolerated. Fruits with lower sugar are better tolerated than others.

Bad Foods

Foods with high fat content (30 percent or more of its calories from fat) may trigger symptoms.

High-protein foods can cause similar problems. They produce gas as they are digested.

Some vegetables, like broccoli, create so much bloating that they are best avoided.


Using a gas reducing product, like Gas-X or Beano, before meals may allow you to eat some foods that would otherwise cause acute symptoms.

Tags: foods that, Bowel Syndrome, Irritable Bowel, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, trigger symptoms