Monday, June 1, 2009

Treat Corns With Home Remedies

A corn is a painful buildup of skin over a spot on the bottom of the foot. The skin builds up due to excessive pressure placed on that one spot, usually because of ill-fitting shoes or misshapen feet. Corns can cause difficulty in walking, due to the intense pain associated with standing on them. Even though pads are available to cushion the corn while you walk, they are not always effective and do nothing to remove the corn. However, you can treat corns with home remedies, and these home remedies are often very effective.


1. Rub 1 tsp. of castor oil onto the corn for 2 to 3 minutes at a time three times a day until the corn falls off.

2. Use a combination of warm water and the peel of a pineapple. Soak your feet in warm water for 20 minutes right before bed, and then duct tape a piece of pineapple peel over the corn, with the inside of the peel touching the corn. Remove the peel in the morning, and repeat this procedure for the next three to four nights until the corn falls off.

3. Brew a cup of chamomile tea and steep it for at least half an hour to ensure it is strong. Then dip a cotton ball into the tea and dab it liberally on the corn. Cover the corn with an adhesive bandage without wiping off the excess tea from the corn. Leave the bandage on until the next day, when you'll repeat this procedure. Do this each day until the corn falls off.

4. Treat the affected foot by soaking it in unfiltered apple cider vinegar for 10 minutes. Then put a piece of duct tape over the corn. Repeat this procedure for the next 4 to 5 days, until the corn comes off of its own accord.

5. Put four licorice sticks in a blender, along with 1 tbsp. of mustard oil (or enough to make a paste). Grind everything up into a thick paste and rub over the corn, covering it with gauze until the next day. Rub more of the paste on the corn and re-cover it. Keep doing this each day and the corn should come off in 3 to 4 days.

Tags: until corn, corn falls, over corn, this procedure, until corn falls, corn with