Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sleeping Positions For Bad Backs

Don't aggravate your bad back by sleeping in the wrong position

There is nothing quite like a bad back to prevent you from resting comfortably and getting a good night's sleep. You may want to incorporate some pillow rolls into your nighttime sleep routine so that you are not aggravating your back pain.

The Mattress

An old and saggy mattress is not beneficial to your back. Using too many pillows or the wrong kinds of pillows, in tandem with a bad mattress, is going to interfere with keeping your spine in a neutral position, which is the most advantageous position to be in. Your mattress should be firm.

On Your Side

Lie on your side, placing a pillow between your knees. This maintains a neutral spine position. If you are lying on your side and not using a pillow between the legs the tendency is to draw one knee up higher than the other one. This asymmetrical position can cause back pain, notes Spineuniverse.com.

On Your Back

When sleeping on your back or your side, using pillow rolls helps maintain and support the natural curves in the lower back and neck. A cervical roll is one that supports the neck. This type of roll pillow is placed between the shoulders and the base of the head. This supports the neck curve and it also allows one to maintain a neutral spine position while sleeping.

Fetal Position

The fetal position is a good sleep position for those with bad backs. When in this position, wrap your legs and arms around a body pillow and this will lessen the pressure on the sciatic nerve. If pregnant, it is recommended that a woman lie on her left side because this improves circulation.


Consider using a lumbar sleeping roll. This roll is long and thin and it is tied around the waist. Doing this supports the lumbar arch when an individual is lying on his side or on his back. The roll should be tied at the level of the small arch that is in your back.


Sleeping flat on your back may not be the best course of action if you have a problem back because the natural curve of your spine is forced to flatten out. However, if this is your preferred position, consider placing a small, rolled up towel under your neck and this should prevent pain.

Tags: your back, back pain, neutral spine, neutral spine position, pillow between, pillow rolls