Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dry Up Breast Milk With Sage Tea

It is best to decrease your breastfeeding slowly rather than suddenly.

Sage is more than a common kitchen spice. It is used in herbal medicine for various conditions including mood enhancement, cognitive improvement, sore throat and upset stomach. Sage is a flowering perennial shrub that grows in many areas worldwide. There are many different species of sage; Salvia Officinalis is the most commonly used medicinally. Sage is most frequently used as a tea or extract, and is widely available in health food stores and from online retailers. When using sage for lactation suppression, it is best used when weaning the child or for extreme cases of oversupply.


1. Drink ¼ tsp. of dried sage in vegetable juice three times per day to dry up breast milk. You may also take it in food if you prefer. Continue this dosage for three days. Compounds in sage mimic natural estrogens which decreases your milk supply.

2. Use a commercially prepared sage tea product. Place the tea bag in your cup and pour 4 to 6 oz. of boiling water on top of it. Allow to steep for three to five minutes. After steeping, press the tea bag between your fingers as you remove it from the tea. You need to drink 1 cup two to six times per day to dry up your breast milk production. To create your own tea from dried sage, infuse 1 tbsp. of dried sage in 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for five to 15 minutes before drinking the infusion. Sage has a very bitter flavor; add honey, stevia or another natural sweetener if desired.

3. Take a tincture of sage to promote lactation suppression. Add 30 to 60 drops of the tincture to a small amount of water and drink three to six times daily. A sage extract may also be used. Add 1 ml, approximately 1,000 mg, to a small amount of water and drink three times per day. Tinctures and extracts are more readily absorbed and may be more efficient than tea in suppressing lactation. Extracts are more potent than tinctures, so don't overdo it.

Tags: dried sage, three times, amount water, amount water drink, boiling water, drink three