Friday, November 12, 2010

Do The Shoulder Stretch In Yoga

Do the Shoulder Stretch in Yoga

The yoga shoulder stretch can be challenging, but as you gain more flexibility, your reach will expand. This posture helps counteract rounded shoulders and removes stiffness from the shoulder area. It's one of those poses you can do in the privacy of your office if you need a quick way to loosen up stiff shoulders. You can use a yoga strap if you cannot attain this posture on your own.


1. Standing or sitting, start your yoga breathing as you do when executing any posture.

2. Point your right arm upward, then bend it at the elbow so that the palm of your right hand is touching the back of your right shoulder.

3. Bend your left arm at the elbow toward your back. Situate the back of your left hand against your back.

4. Clasp hands if possible. Reach as far down with your right hand as you can and move your left hand up as far as you can. If you are feeling pain, back off from the posture. Stretching is good; pain and extreme discomfort are not.

5. Consider using a yoga strap if there is a big gap between your hands.

6. Realize that one side of your body will probably be more flexible than the other. You may not be able to clasp hands when your right hand is on top, but it might be possible when your left hand is on the top.

7. Breathe through the posture, standing or sitting with a straight back. Hold the posture as long as you can.

Tags: your right, your left, left hand, right hand, your left hand, your right hand, back your