Friday, August 14, 2009

What Are The Treatments For Canker Sores On The Tongue

Canker sores are small painful ulcers that form on the inside of the mouth and tongue. They are not contagious and usually clear up within a week or two. Several treatment options are available, including conventional and alternative methods. If your canker sore is unusually large and painful, or if you have a number of them at once, or if you find the condition is persistent, you should visit a doctor who can prescribe stronger treatments.

Rinses and pastes

Topical pastes, in both over-the-counter and prescription form, are applied directly to the canker sore and encourage faster healing. They include Orabase, Aphthasol and Lidex.

If you have several sores at once, mouth rinses containing the steroid dexamethasone or the antibiotic tetracycline can treat pain and inflammation. Tetracycline carries certain risks. Because it kills off good bacteria that protect you from infection, it makes you more susceptible to oral thrush, a fungal infection that causes painful mouth sores. Tetracycline can also discolor teeth.

Oral medication

Certain medications normally used to treat other conditions have proven effective for canker sores. They include the heartburn medication cimetidine and the gout medication colchicine. If you have severe sores that have not improved with other treatments, oral steroids are sometimes prescribed. They can have serious side effects and are used as a last resort.

Nutritional deficiencies

The formation of canker sores has been liked to a deficiency in vitamins B12 and B6 and the mineral zinc. Your doctor can prescribe a therapeutic dose that can replenish your body's supply of these nutrients. Do not take more than the recommended daily amounts of vitamins and minerals on your own. Your doctor can suggest safe, effective doses and the time frame in which to use them

Alternative treatments

Natural-health expert Dr. Andrew Weil recommends the following treatments to relieve canker sores: Make a goldenseal mouth rinse; mix one-quarter teaspoon of salt with one capsule full of goldenseal in a cup of warm water. Propolis, used by bees to make their hives, is antiseptic and healing; apply it directly to the sore. Use slippery elm lozenges. Alum powder, found in the spice section of the grocery store, heals sores quickly. Apply it directly to the sore; it might burn for a few minutes.


Avoid toothpastes that have sodium lauryl sulfate. Stay away from spicy and acidic foods. Rinse your mouth with salt water. Putting ice on canker sores helps dissolve them. Brush your teeth gently. Milk of magnesia applied to the sore can lessen pain.

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