Monday, August 31, 2009

Normal Blood Pressure Levels

High blood pressure is a condition that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. It is known as the silent killer, because there are generally few symptoms of high blood pressure. Thus, it is important to take your blood pressure regularly to determine whether or not it is normal.

Normal Readings

Normal blood pressure, generally speaking, is any reading less than or equal to 120 over 80. Blood pressure readings of less than 140 over 90 can still be considered normal, but are high normal and sometimes called borderline.

Children and Adolescents

Normal blood pressure in children and adolescents is higher than that of older adults.

Gender Differences

Normal blood pressure of males can be slightly less than blood pressure of females.

Age Differences

Blood pressure readings of older individuals tend to be higher overall than younger adults. This is because as we age, the flexibility of the blood vessels declines.

Preventing Hypertension

Normal blood pressure levels are more common in people who are not overweight, do not smoke, exercise regularly, have a low sodium diet and get sufficient rest.

Tags: blood pressure, Normal blood, less than, Normal blood pressure, Blood pressure readings, pressure readings