Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What Are The Benefits Of Cfl Lightbulbs

What Are the Benefits of CFL Lightbulbs?

Compact fluorescent light bulbs, also known as CFLs, are an eco-friendly alternative to standard incandescent light bulbs. CFLs can be screwed into the same sockets as other light bulbs and provide very comparable lighting. CFLs are easily recognizable due to their distinct twisting shape. These "green" light bulbs have a host of benefits that can help improve the planet, your home and your finances.

Energy Efficiency

One of the greatest benefits of compact fluorescent light bulbs is their energy efficiency. A CFL uses 50 to 80 percent less energy than other light bulbs. Energy Star reports that if every home in America were to replace a standard light bulb with an Energy Star-qualified compact fluorescent light bulb, the energy saved could power over 3 million homes.

Money Savings

While many consumers are dissuaded by the higher initial cost of a CFL, these light bulbs must be replaced less often than incandescent bulbs. Compact fluorescent lights can have a dramatically extended lifespan, lasting as much as 10 times longer than their incandescent counterparts. While your standard incandescent bulb will last for a year, a CFL can last anywhere from 8 to 10 years. Furthermore, a 75-watt incandescent bulb can be replaced by a 20-watt CFL bulb. You will receive the same amount of light while paying for far less energy.


Replacing just one incandescent bulb with a CFL can prevent as much as 450 lb. of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. If every home in America changed just one incandescent bulb to a CFL, the emissions saved would be equivalent to those produced by more than 800,000 cars annually. To take this one step further, if everyone in America were to convert all of their lighting to CFLs or other energy-efficient means, our country could close 90 standard-sized power plants.


Compact fluorescent light bulbs can be used in almost any light fixture that accepts an incandescent bulb. CFLs can be used in everything from table lamps to ceiling fixtures. Specially designed CFLs are also available for more unique types of lighting. A three-way CFL can be used in lighting fixtures with a three-way setting. Though CFLs were initially unsuitable for dimmer switches, dimmable CFLs are now available as well.


While compact fluorescent lighting is ideal for many situations, it must be used in the right way to reap the full benefits. CFLs can take longer than an incandescent bulb to turn on and become fully lit. For this reason, turning on a CFL for less than 15 minutes is actually less energy efficient than using an incandescent light. CFLs also need to be disposed of carefully since they contain mercury, which can be harmful to the environment. Lastly, for CFLs to truly keep our planet as green as possible, they should only be used to replace light bulbs that have burnt out. Discarding a new, fully functional incandescent bulb is only creating needless waste, which is counterproductive to creating a greener planet.

Tags: light bulbs, incandescent bulb, fluorescent light, fluorescent light bulbs, less energy