Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Relieve Pms With Herbs

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a condition suffered by many women a week or two prior to the menstrual period. Common symptoms experienced by those who have PMS include cramps, back pain, food cravings, water retention, bloating, fatigue, tender breasts and mood swings. While no one cause has been conclusive, causes for PMS have been attributed to factors such as hormonal imbalance, low serotonin levels, diet and abnormal thyroid function. Your doctor may suggest putting you on prescription drugs to address your PMS symptoms. If you want to avoid the possible side-effects of prescription medications, however, you might want to consider taking herbal remedies to relieve PMS.


1. Use black cohosh to help get your hormones balanced. Get the tincture form and take two droppers of it 2 to 3 times daily, for no longer than six months.

2. Take red raspberry, cramp bark and angelica root to help lessen cramps associated with PMS.

3. Consider Chinese herbal remedies, such as Xiao Yao Wan, which help relieve both physical and emotional symptoms of PMS. Used in conjunction with acupuncture, this can be extremely beneficial.

4. Use chasteberry, also called vitex to ease your condition. Take 40 drops of this herb in tincture form 3 times per day in water or juice. You can also get chasteberry tea, if the tincture is unavailable. This is a very effective herb for PMS, but the results are not instantaneous. It may take up to 4 months to see the desired effects.

5. Give motherwort a try. This is a very useful herb for women's health complaints. It can aid in relieving cramps, regulating your period and calming your nerves. You can find it in tincture form. Take a dropper of it 2 to 3 times per day. Motherwort eases nervous tension relatively quickly.

Tags: tincture form, herbal remedies, This very