Thursday, November 24, 2011

Survive A Blizzard

During the winter months in the northeast and in the upper mountain regions of the northwest, a blizzard is as common as hot dogs, Chevrolet and apple pie. Here's prepare for this weather this very dangerous storm.


1. Check and stay tuned to local weather broadcasts and forecasts. This should be a daily occurrence during the winter months, October through May.

2. Prepare your home. Shut all of your windows and exterior doors. Insulate all interior water pipes with a heavy foam wrap or insulation to stop the potential of freezing. Ensure flashlights have batteries, cellular phones are completely charged, and candles are available and ready.

3. Ensure the food storage area is completely stocked and ready. Items you should have include milk, basic fruits and veggies, bread with essentials for quick sandwiches, water (preferably bottled for the consumption of 1 gallon per person per day), and some extras like instant coffee.

4. Monitor and evaluate the storm circumstances. This will alert you to when it is safe to venture outside and or check the status of your home and belongings.

5. Remain calm in the face of adversity. This is the key element to successfully surviving a blizzard.

Tags: winter months, your home