Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fun Ways To Teach Kids Swimming Lessons

Having fun in the water helps kids overcome their fear.

Many parents enroll their kids in swimming lessons early so the children can learn swim while they are still young. Some kids do not want to go near the water, however. Making kids' swimming lessons fun will divert their attention and help them overcome their fear of water.

Swimming Gear

Kids who fear swimming pools can cry even before the swimming lessons start. One way to show kids how fun swimming can be is to provide fun swimming equipment. Use vibrant colors for swimming caps, goggles and floaters, and gear with cartoon themes is even better. Get the kids excited about their new swimming apparel and equipment and they'll be eager to get in the water.


A swimming instructor can help children overcome fear by incorporating games in the swimming lessons. The first part of a swim lesson typically introduces kids to swimming equipment and safety measures. During this time, the instructor might play a game with students by asking them to guess the names of the different equipment. Children who are more comfortable in the water can be separated into groups for mini-relay races or other competitions.


After the swimming lessons, allow kids to play with one another in the shallow part of the pool. Provide pool toys such as floaters, inflatable rafts and inflatable balls. Playtime can also be incorporated between lessons so the children can take a break from the lesson proper. Students will have something to look forward to during each session and will look forward to their next lesson. It is important to review safety precautions before each play period and to supervise the children while they are playing.

Tags: kids swimming, swimming lessons, kids swimming lessons, look forward, overcome their, overcome their fear, swimming equipment