Friday, March 6, 2009

Use Pineapple Weed

Use Pineapple Weed

Pineapple weed (Matricaria matricarioides) is none other than what is commonly referred to by many people as wild camomile in the United States. It grows in parking lots and sandy or rocky dry areas where you wouldn't expect anything to grow. It even seems to flourish where people might walk on it. If you have ever stepped on it you are familiar with the fresh green apple/pineapple smell that fills the air. It is not a true chamomile, but it does have similar properties.


1. Pick the blossoms in the morning before the heat of the day and from a clean source where you know that no pesticides or herbicides have been used.

2. Wash the buds in cold water, totally immersing them. Lift them out of the water and into a colander and pour off the dirty water. Pick out any weeds or grasses picked up inadverdently.

3. Lay them out on a dry paper towel or paper bag in a warm place to dry for 24 to 48 hours. After they feel dry to the touch, store them in a jar with a secure lid to prevent moisture spoilage.

4. Use the dried flower heads as you would other dried teas, adding a teaspoonful to a cup of boiling water and allowing to seep for 10 minutes. Sweeten to taste.
