Monday, March 11, 2013

Early Loss Of Baby Teeth

As exciting as it can be when your child loses his first primary tooth or baby tooth, a baby tooth that is lost too early is cause for concern and requires attention from a pediatric dentist.

Time Frame

Most children lose their first baby tooth around age 6, but a child losing a tooth before he turns 4 is considered too early.


According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), an accidental blow to the mouth, tooth decay and dental disease are things that can cause a child to lose her baby teeth early.


When a child loses one or more baby teeth too early this can cause other teeth to shift and the permanent teeth may grow in crowded and crooked. The child may also require expensive orthodontia treatment as he ages.


While parents may not be able to prevent accident or disease causing a tooth to come out early, they can help prevent early loss of baby teeth due to tooth decay. Parents should make sure their child's teeth are brushed and flossed daily and limit intake of sugary drinks and foods.


If a child loses a baby tooth too early, space maintainers can be used to keep the teeth from shifting until the permanent tooth comes in.

Tags: baby tooth, child loses, baby teeth, baby teeth early, teeth early, tooth baby, tooth baby tooth