Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Identify Symptoms Of Shingles Around The Eye

Eye shingles is an infection caused by the virus that causes chickenpox (varicella-zoster). One or more nerves and the skin over them are affected. Typically, the disorder causes a painful blistering rash.Eye shingle virus can spread around the forehead area or cheek to the upper or lower eyelids.Here are some of the symptoms of eye shingles.


Identify Symptoms of Shingles Around the Eye

1. Monitor shingles that form on the face, forehead or cheeks. The rash can spread to the upper or lower eyelids.

2. Notice the pain you feel around your eye. Usually, shingles causes abnormal sensations in the affected part of the body a few days before the rash appears. The abnormal sensations include deep pain, itching, numbness, and extreme sensitivity to touch.

3. Examine your eye for a rash. Typically, the rash begins with clusters of red bumps. Within about a day, the bumps usually turn into small, fluid-filled blisters. The skin around the blisters is usually red. The blisters continue to be painful, particularly when touched.

4. Look at the appearance of your eye. The eye may become red, swollen, painful, and very sensitive to light. Also, it may water easily. Blurred vision may also occur.

5. Check your eye for scratches. Small scratches or scarring of the cornea can occur with eye shingles. The scratches on the cornea may increase the risk of bacterial infection in the eye. It can also affect the optic nerve or the retina. The rash usually clears up in a week or two.

Tags: abnormal sensations, Identify Symptoms, Identify Symptoms Shingles, lower eyelids, Shingles Around