Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cope With Competitive People

A little competition can be healthy now and then but some people take competition to extreme levels. They compete with everyone in every aspect of life. Needless to say, dealing with a competitive friend or family member can be frustrating. Here are a few ways to cope.


Cope with Competitive People

1. Stay calm and don't let the competition get to you. People are more apt to compete with you if you take the competition seriously and get upset easily. The next time someone tries to outdo your efforts take it in stride.

2. Avoid the trap of materialism. When a friend or relative brags about a new purchase, tells you how his vacation was better than yours or how he has a better paying job than you do tell him how happy you are for him and mean it. Don't let his gloating get under your skin. Be sincere in your happiness that your friend or relative is successful and let it go at that.

3. Learn to laugh. Don't let a big ego cause you unneccessary stress and frustration. When you make a big purchase and your neighbor makes a more expensive person remind him how much money you saved and how you're going to enjoy your savings. Then laugh at the silliness of it all.

4. Be happy with what you have. People who are happy with themselves and their lives are less likely to feel the need to be overly competitve. It is important to remember that happiness comes from within not from possessions.

5. Let your competitive friends or relatives know how much you love and respect them but make them aware that you are not interested in competing with them or anyone else. Explain that you don't mind a little healthy competition when it's all in fun but you don't take it that seriously. Life is an experience not a competition.

6. Save the competitive spirit for games and sports. If you refuse to compete your overly competitive friends will eventually get bored so beat the competition by refusing to play the game.

Tags: compete with, competitive friends, Competitive People, friend relative, happy with, take competition